The Object of Dreams:
MFA Thesis 2015
Ideas of the fragility of memory and dreams, and the wonder of childhood fantasy and imagination are recurring themes in my work - expressed through specific objects or narratives. The recurring representations I manufacture emerge from my dreams - signifying toys and objects from my past. These forms are depicted in solid black, in part because I, like 30% of people, dream in black and white and because it insinuates the sense of the ominous and unknown. Using glass as my main medium helps to accentuate the fragility of memory. I used a soft finish not usually associated with glass to help express the sensation often felt in dreams that things are not what they seem.
The wall panels I have created are representations of star patterns. By placing them around the perimeter of the gallery and using low light I am establishing a setting that helps bring the viewer closer to the inspiration this work is based on. By overlaying sounds that originate from the objects this show is inspired by, I hope to suggest the dreamscape I am referencing. The displaced sounds help to accentuate the disjointed feeling that is often associated with dreams and memory.